Ancient Chinese aesthetics have been around for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In the 1990s, TCM Facial became popularized as a holistic and natural approach to skin care due its emphasis on nourishing your entire body using techniques such as facial acupuncture or jade rolling.
Qi is the life force that courses through our bodies, giving us energy to stay healthy. Flowing from one part of your body to another in a network called meridians it provides nourishment for everything inside you- cells and tissues; muscles organs glands .
Qi also has an effect on how bioelectricity works which regulates cell growth while protecting against illness
QTCM’s preventive approach to health can help you maintain your energy levels and immunity, relieve pain from physical disorders or chronic conditions like arthritis in the joints. It's also useful for improving vital organ function as well as minimizing stress which will prevent many different types of illnesses from developing - especially when it comes down to minimising youthfulness about skin appearance!
At Therapie TCM Spa, e believe that TCM is an integral part of a truly healthy lifestyle and it's how we take charge for your health.
Bojin Facial
The principles of Bojin Facial are similar to those used in guasha, however it goes deeper into the muscles and does not cause as much redness. An ox horn tool is utilized during treatment so that tense tendons and ligaments can be unlocked which leads us closer toward a more youthful appearance with less stress or headaches relief for users alike! With its ability sculpting slimmer faces by shaping your jawline if you're looking towards achieving V shaped features!
Omega Meridian Jade Gua Sha Facial
The Signature Omega Meridian Jade Gua Sha Facial therapy brings the best out of both worlds! TCM jade massage works deeper into your skin than traditional facials, clearing meridian blockages and improving circulation while also draining toxins from within you. But don't worry; we've got something for every concern: whether it's acne scarring or sensitive areas that feel too crusty- Cleanse away those woes with our innovative Light Therapy cared deeply into each treatment using different light waves depending skin concerns.
Jade Bio Facial
Our Meridian Jade Bio Facial combines meridian massage, acupuncture with science of microcurrent. While primarily designed for wrinkle removal and reduction it also assists in draining the lymphatic system removing toxins from your body as well eliminating waste that build up on our skin over time!The amazing thing about this treatment? You can get all these benefits without having any pain or discomfort!